10 Apr 2009


Been pretty slack on the blog lately as i've not had any time to do any work apart from my final major project at Uni. Its coming along well though so I'm looking forward to putting it up when its all finished

I put this together over the last couple of days.. hope you like

20 Mar 2009

Bad Hare Day

I shot this

13 Mar 2009

Pen is mighty indeed...

I've been spending quite a bit of time in the ol illustrator these days, tinkering away... have a look at my efforts. I'm going to screen print these


21 Feb 2009

16 Feb 2009

We were asked to create our own typeface, based around an object. Having finished a mullers corner (with the little chocolate chunks.. delish) I made even better use of the spoon I was left with.

I call it the Amy Wineface, for her experience with bending spoons is probably greater than most.


Inspired by monstrous tooth ache, I decided to focus my data project on pain killer dosages and strengths etc. To indicate pain, I recorded myself screaming at three different levels and used the sound wave.

Have a look

Book Covers

Finally, after far too many weeks of distraction (moved house) I've found the time to work on my book covers. With V and Brave New World, I wanted to incorporate some hand drawn elements, as that is my weakest area. So, notice the little illustration that I've traced in AI - the Pen indeed is a mighty tool

31 Jan 2009


My initials, done all typographically off the hook like.

More to come

24 Jan 2009

funny shit

Cadbury's does it again with a hefty tickle on the funny bone